Sunday, 30 September 2012

Your MOTHER - Your LIFE, By Kathleen De La Hunt

Your mother once was - a woman- just like you Who did not really know what she should to do She found herself grown, with troubles & cares Then, just had to cope, as she wiped away tears. She tried her best, in all that she did Made many mistakes in her trying bid Would she do things differently, if she had the chance? I’m sure she would- if she’d known in advance- But all she had, was that day - for a choice And today in your ears – you hear her voice Some choices were right and others- well no! But there’s no second chance, yet though them you’d grow. Then by the time, she was strong and wise Her children knew more- in their own eyes! Where did life go – you heard her say It all passed so quick – it was just yesterday... Now it is your chance- your life lays ahead Draw from the strength of what Mom did & said Many choices you’ll make, on this journey so short But whatever you do – do not abort- The plans and purposes God has for you On this journey – called life – that He’s leading you through Each day is unique- live it to the full Let love, joy and laughter fill every hole Don’t miss the moments, as they pass through Treasure the precious ones, God’s given you For before you know, you will be one Wondering what happened – when they’re all grown and gone. Kathleen De La Hunt 30th August 2012

Saturday, 29 September 2012


Sing a song of Howick, Howick in the hills. Above a bustling 'Maritzburg, Beneath the 'Berg so high, Soft rolling hills surround us Open to the sky. The blue of heaven stretches far, As breezes come & go; Then like pearl, a mist is weaving Gently to & fro. Sing a song of Howick, Howick in the hills. Sing a song of Howick, happy in the hills. Creation's bounty thrills our hearts, For none on earth's so sweet; Here cliff & river, forest, hills, With farm & townsland meet. Through steep kloof gash our river flows, Where buck & zebra bide, And wildebeest run circular Across the broad hillside. The tallest cauldron in our cliffs White water rushes down. This site of beauty, God created His blessing on our town. Sing a song of Howick, Howick in the hills. Sing a song of Howick, happy in the hills. With flower on flower the springtime comes To clothe grey winter branches; An awakening so beautiful That every heart – it dances! Summer storms with rainbows bright; Picnics at the lake; Midmar swimmers in the mile, Or boys with fish to take. When autumn gold spreads through the trees, A wealth of treasure found. Golden leaves have stored the sun, To shed it on the ground. Winter frosts & stark,bare branches, Grass as white as snow; Black along the break-burn edges, Red where aloes grow. Sometimes there is snow that falls On hills where we may go. O what fun & shouts of joy, To shy with balls of snow! Sing a song of Howick, Howick in the hills. Sing a song of Howick, happy in the hills. And Howick's crowning pride & joy? Its people are; I say! A gentle folk of varied groups, Some colourful, some staid. In garage, bank & supermarket, In the town around, Or meet us in the tourist stalls, Where plane trees shade the ground. In shops & cafes all are kind, All pass the time of day. No job can be too difficult, For there will be a way. See, hands are reaching out to help, To lift up those in need. And teachers train our children well, For they're a precious seed. Patient the younger generation, Accepting all who are here. From many 'Ambers' we would say, “Well done, you're very dear!” This is a town where friendship grows, With roots of love & care. Howick blooms are cheerfulness, With many smiles to share. For Jesus is the anchor here, His heart is open wide. He walks right close amongst us all, To draw us to His side. So that is why I sing this song, And that is why I love Our Howick, happy in the hills, And blessed by God above.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Artworks - to sign or not to sign?

After my wife and I had completed a joint artwork (the photography was mine while she did the painting) and the piece was framed and hung on the wall, I was amused by the fact that we hadn't signed the piece! We discussed who should sign it - myself as the originator having taken the picture, in a sense composed it, or my wife who had painstakingly spent hours painting it? Paul Cartmell (eHow Contributor) states: "A signature on a piece of art generally authenticates an artwork as being created by a specific artist..." I thought that God doesn't sign his daily creations, every day is a masterpiece. He did that long ago: "God, Who made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them..." (Psalm 146:5-6) through His word - a once off signature that established His authority as the Master Artist. So for now the artwork remains unsigned on the wall, my wife and I secure in the fact that we both created the work and had a jol doing so!

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Creative Engineering

Bottle Bulb This was done in Philippines. Water and bleach in bottle of coke was fitted on the roof. It absorbs and reflects sunlight and is equal to 55 watt ... Cheers to Engineers...

Saturday, 30 June 2012

Creativity - antidote to boredom!

For chore or home project - read creative challenge! A chance to flex those creative muscles!

Sunday, 17 June 2012

Needing direction for your creativity or artworks?

You must have come across the Scriptures which indicate exactly what Jesus did while on earth - Acts 10:38 (Amplified Bible) 38 How God anointed and consecrated Jesus of Nazareth with the [Holy] Spirit and with strength and ability and power; how He went about doing good and, [a]in particular, curing all who were harassed and oppressed by [the power of] the devil, for God was with Him.

If you are needing some inspiration or direction for your works of art, a theme perhaps, or an underlying message, remember, Jesus came to do good to all people. Titus 3:8 Amplified Bible This message is most trustworthy, and concerning these things I want you to insist steadfastly, so that those who have believed in (trusted in, relied on) God may be careful to apply themselves to honorable occupations and to doing good, for such things are [not only] excellent and right [in themselves], but [they are] good and profitable for the people.  This portion of Scripture indicates that we are to be devoted, or pay careful attention to "good works" - occupations that are beautiful. If you look at those two words "good works", you find that the heart behind them is being involved in something that has value in that what you do is beautiful and releases people or refreshes them.  That is what Jesus did all the time, released people - anyone - from oppression - he refreshed them by what he did.  So to can our works of art.  If we have in mind to create refreshing, beautiful works, they can release people who are oppressed into God's love and light.

Friday, 15 June 2012

Creative Day?

How was your day today? Creative? Often we think that in our everyday (hopefully not too mundane) lives not much creativity happens.  This is true if creativity only consists of those Eureka moments, times of origination - coming up with something new - a new joke, solution, product, poem etc. - that has value (Wiki's definition).  If we look at the definition of what it is to be creative:- cre·a·tive/krēˈātiv/
Relating to or involving the imagination or original ideas, esp. in the production of an artistic work: "creative writing".

A person who is creative, esp. in a professional context.

originative - original - constructive - productive
Often we think we have to be a genius in order to be creative.  But if we realize that our creativity comes from God, as we are inherently creative, we begin to rely more on His handiwork in and through us, than our own strength or genius.  Creativity is valuable, and our abilities being used is valuable to God and people.  Testimony after testimony bear witness to the fact that no matter how insignificant we feel about our art, it does have an impact, when delivered at the right time and place.
If we go around the place, getting caught up in the mundane, and not spending time in God's presence, then our creativity wanes. However, with much faith, time with God, rising to the challenge, not hiding your talents, God ignites what you attempt to do.
Therein lies the value, what you have put into your creativity, trusting in God.  Don't attempt to strive at it.  Flow with the Holy Spirit's enabling.

Thursday, 14 June 2012

4000 hits! Thank You!

Hi All,

The Cre84life blog has had 4000 hits so far! A big thank you to all who have enjoyed the pages of various forms of creativity, and who have made comments.  Why don't you think about signing up to follow us and stay up to date with the latest creative thoughts?

Once again, thanks so much.


Monday, 28 May 2012

Saturday, 19 May 2012


Try to do something creative daily! Whether it's actual art, or the way you reach solutions. Leave a problem and come back to it later - sleep on it. Suddenly you will find an answer.
We all have a measure of creative ability. We just have to awaken it, bring it to life.
Start now, ask God to help you be more creative about life. 

A Little Quiet!

Letter from the ed -

Hi All!

It's been a bit quiet on the Blogging front lately - apologies!  A sabbatical, overseas travel and rushing headlong back into "real" life has meant a bit of a slump on the blogging front.

We are still around though, and would welcome any news, views etc. on your creative front.

Personally, I have been exploring the photographic front, and the myriad apps that are available nowadays! 

More on this ion the following blogs - stay tuned and drop us a line to tell of your creative adventures!

Sunday, 08 January 2012


Well, it's been a while since posting anything.  The Christmas time here in Howick is one of celebrating with family and friends, chilling (the church office closes for the week between Christmas and New Year) and enjoying the South African summer - yes, this year it's been sweet!  It's been a time of relaxing and refreshing, recharging the batteries, letting the dust of the year settle.  In all this I've often thought through the creative process, tried to get some fresh perspective for the new year, creatively speaking.  Visiting Galleries and seeing art always inspires.  The urge is there to paint, but I'm in that place of waiting for the "one" to paint, sketch etc.  It will come, it's exciting.
Much has been said about 2012, films produced galore, theories galore.  For me, I'm going to be an "opportunity seeker".  There is a call of our Father to rise in Godly authority, to overcome things like compromise, to remain pure and holy.  Also to remain in His Presence and to draw from His love!  My prayer for you on your journey is that you will press into Father God like never before, stay close to Him no matter what, remain pure so that you may behold His face entirely, and be a grace carrier - bless you abundantly!!!!
My prayer for you is that you reach fresh heights creatively.  Let the father provide for you, speak your dreams and visions into being, let the puzzle pieces come together.  I pray for such breakthrough in your life.  Right now I feel such love from the Father for you, such compassion.  Let that drive you forward and enable you and overflow through your art.
Those of you who write songs and poetry, I see you picking up your pens again, and through your words, brining much healing for yourself and others.  many have laid aside their giftings. It's time to rise again.  No matter what has happened, repent, make right with God and others, be restored and move on into fresh glory!  It's not a time for holding back.  BLESS YOU!!!!