Sunday, 30 September 2012

Your MOTHER - Your LIFE, By Kathleen De La Hunt

Your mother once was - a woman- just like you Who did not really know what she should to do She found herself grown, with troubles & cares Then, just had to cope, as she wiped away tears. She tried her best, in all that she did Made many mistakes in her trying bid Would she do things differently, if she had the chance? I’m sure she would- if she’d known in advance- But all she had, was that day - for a choice And today in your ears – you hear her voice Some choices were right and others- well no! But there’s no second chance, yet though them you’d grow. Then by the time, she was strong and wise Her children knew more- in their own eyes! Where did life go – you heard her say It all passed so quick – it was just yesterday... Now it is your chance- your life lays ahead Draw from the strength of what Mom did & said Many choices you’ll make, on this journey so short But whatever you do – do not abort- The plans and purposes God has for you On this journey – called life – that He’s leading you through Each day is unique- live it to the full Let love, joy and laughter fill every hole Don’t miss the moments, as they pass through Treasure the precious ones, God’s given you For before you know, you will be one Wondering what happened – when they’re all grown and gone. Kathleen De La Hunt 30th August 2012

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