Thursday, 21 July 2011

What's in a painting? - a testimony.

Recently, The Oasis Church, Howick ( held a Prophetic Training Time.  As part of the children's ministry,  the children were taught to paint a prophetic picture for one of the adults attending the conference.  The children obviously didn't know the adult they were painting for.  Below is a testimony from one of the adults who received a painting.

"I am attaching a picture that was drawn of me by one of the children - just to encourage them. When I got home I went through a notebook of all the prophetic words spoken over my life and [found] two that relate to the picture that was drawn. These were given more than five years ago! I hope that this encourages the child to press on!"
My son Kean did the painting, and said: "I never knew that a little picture could do so much".

There have been many testimonies of how prophetic art has touched peoples' lives.  If God gives you a picture, no matter how simple, just be obedient - you never know how it will impact someone's life!   Create for Life!

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