We’ve just had an amazing time with Cape Town artists at the “Kings and Priests” prophetic time at the Father’s House Christian Fellowship. The prophetic nuances coming through included:
- God wants artists across all mediums to collaborate with one another, to encourage and strengthen each other. There is increasing hopelessness in the world as the striving of worldliness has left people having hope deferred. Faith has taken a knock and adversity has worn people down. Many creative people have laid their gifting down in the struggle to just make ends meet, a survivor mentality overshadowing the anointing and kingly authority. God is saying it’s a time to rise in one’s authority, to turn mountains into blessing; to let adversity mold your character, not oppress you; to find solutions through faith; to become problem solvers in times of hardship.
- God is looking for young, anointed, prophetic leaders who will be beacons to the next generation. They will enable them to push on despite much discouragement in the world around them. God is saying he will raise them up; He will be a Father to the fatherless. This generation who are coming after the Generation “Z”, a nameless generation, will experience the father heart of God directly for themselves as God moves supernaturally through their lives. Fathered by God they will have a strength and boldness to overcome.
- God is raising a community of creative people who will not shrink back, who will not be ashamed of the gospel, or of their works declaring and depicting the gospel in the world, through the world and for the world. He will rise up artists, musicians, photographers etc., who will make a mark and be “trend setters” in the world. He is setting His mandate for them in place, robing them with a fresh mantle and authority for the task. Many are in a place of equipping which feels like being in the desert. Many feel they have been overlooked, pushed aside. The intimidation of the world has had an effect on them, causing them to pursue other careers, other ventures and initiatives. But God is saying there are fresh and new horizons to explore, to pick up their tools again. Out of time spent in God’s presence he will birth new inspiration and plant seeds that will germinate and multiply what was the least, of no consequence.
- God is emphasizing again the prophetic nature of art and artists, but requires of them purity and being set apart, untainted by world trends. He wants to inspire a new sound and colour from heaven, where artists will pick up the pulse of heaven, and portray just what God tells them to, without colouring or flavouring it with what the world thinks is cool. Out of this will come a unique sound and colour, not necessarily pleasing to the eye as the world would have it, yet unmistakably powerful, anointed, life changing with an eternal impact.
- God, through a release of creativity in and through the church, is adorning and beautifying the bride of Christ afresh. The church walls have been bare for too long. God is anointing with a spirit of wisdom, knowledge and understanding (Exodus 31) – the Holy Spirit poised to teach and impart. He is speeding up the process of teaching the language of art so artists can communicate their message with clarity.
These are some current prophetic words that have come through for artists, creative people and the church. Please forward them to those who you know will need a word of encouragement!
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