Friday, 15 June 2012

Creative Day?

How was your day today? Creative? Often we think that in our everyday (hopefully not too mundane) lives not much creativity happens.  This is true if creativity only consists of those Eureka moments, times of origination - coming up with something new - a new joke, solution, product, poem etc. - that has value (Wiki's definition).  If we look at the definition of what it is to be creative:- cre·a·tive/krēˈātiv/
Relating to or involving the imagination or original ideas, esp. in the production of an artistic work: "creative writing".

A person who is creative, esp. in a professional context.

originative - original - constructive - productive
Often we think we have to be a genius in order to be creative.  But if we realize that our creativity comes from God, as we are inherently creative, we begin to rely more on His handiwork in and through us, than our own strength or genius.  Creativity is valuable, and our abilities being used is valuable to God and people.  Testimony after testimony bear witness to the fact that no matter how insignificant we feel about our art, it does have an impact, when delivered at the right time and place.
If we go around the place, getting caught up in the mundane, and not spending time in God's presence, then our creativity wanes. However, with much faith, time with God, rising to the challenge, not hiding your talents, God ignites what you attempt to do.
Therein lies the value, what you have put into your creativity, trusting in God.  Don't attempt to strive at it.  Flow with the Holy Spirit's enabling.

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