Thursday, 10 November 2011

Your Glory, by Buhle Khoza, Oasis Christian Academy

Your glory starts someone's story
When their heart is hollow, You will say follow.
They take one step, then two - only to spend time with You
You take them in Your arms and say "Shall we dance?" You dance around the room, knowing You are the only Groom.
When the evening is done and the last song is sung, You whisk them off the floor to chaperone them to the door.
When You are there in complete silence, You look them in the eye and say "Has my glory finished your story?"

Restoration, by Luanna Hutton, Oasis Christian Academy

Broken dreams and broken promises
My heart still bears the pain
My withered eyes and tattered heart still bare the past
I cry not knowing what to do with the pain I once bore.
My mind once echoed lonely through the night.

Whispering thieves with tormenting arrows pierced through my clouded mind
Left alone in my darkest hour, my Saviour came to rest
He bore my pain and cried my tears

My heart restored, my dreams made whole
The heart I gave - the heart He mended
The battle He fought, the victory He gained to restore my broken heart

He made me whole - He made me strong
But now I give Him my scared heart and rest at His feet
For I am His daughter - the precious one He saved.

Friday, 04 November 2011

Wind Through The Trees

This is what the sound of wind through tree looks like. The image was generated using Windows Media Player (a retro version!). I took a screen shot of the visualisation as the video sound clip played. I generated the audio via Audacity. Who would have thought sound looked so good!

Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Revival of Love Collage

We created this collage at a recent worship training weekend.  The theme was "Revival of Love", and it is composed from various medium - pictures, labels, photographs, downloads.  We worked on the images on Picasa.  Lots of fun!

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Poem by Ryan Hogarty

God said love me with all your heart with all your soul with all your mind and with all your strength.

This was his greatest commandment and not a suggestion, something to do and not to shew....

But what did the master mean when he wanted us to love with everything we had, surely we can not stay the same, we had to change!

Well, with Father its always simple... With your mind, the mind of Christ , imagine, dream, and envision with Christ's thought, in the power of the Holy Spirit spend your strength on His mighty works, with the inspiration of the Father in your soul create, sing aloud, compose and dance with daddy, and with everything, with all your heart, and all these days on this earth let not your heart remain silent as you spend your all for your King!!!!

But that was only one half of the equation, an unbalanced part of the Father's determination...
For without the second we would be lead into navel- gazing introspection...

For His love is only complete when we give it away, a windfall gain to be passed by the saint... For his second commandment is to love, your very neighbour as yourself!

For Your gift, your heart, your mind, your love is NOT for your own, its not by chance to you it has been sown...

It's for the lost, the hurt, the broken to release, the whole, the body, in fullness to bring increase....

And so we swallow our pride and to the Father's wing we return to hide, for in Him alone, in His love do we have our strength our joy our victory song...

And so now balanced and even spanned do we walk with our hearts turned heavenwards and our hands and eyes, touching, looking, releasing His love by the power of His dove.

For at the end of day all that remains, is His love not just for us but to give it away!

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

"Breaking of Bread", By Rory Cassy

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Initially, I had an idea of what I wanted.  I put everything together in my way, but I just could not get the right picture.  But suddenly, when I was just looking through the camera lens, there was everything that I was trying to capture, and much more!  Just as in life we try to do things in our own way and we seem to miss the mark.  When God takes over everything falls into place!

There is so much to see’ in this image:
Broken bread risen like sin but now broken.
Seeds of promise, faith, potential.
Wooden table the cross, table of the Lord; the table prepared for me in the presence of my enemies.
Shadow of cross in the background the future church, bride, up ahead.
Bright shining light Holy Spirits presence.
Crumbs on the table is food for the Gentiles which also reveals great faith.
Base of glass planted firmly.
Twisted stem they that wait ( cleave, bind themselves as twisting) to the Lord will renew their strength.
Glass half empty His Blood poured out, but there is still plenty(grace)
The Cross it doesnt matter how full or empty your glass the cross will always be reflected.
The clouds His return with His army.
The sky Heaven awaits.
The ground soaked up His Blood.
The circle of the glass rim Eternity

His body broken so I can be made whole
His glass half empty
Mine is half full
Calvary shines
I reflect…….

Monday, 29 August 2011

Some examples of meeting sketches.

Thanks Mary-Ann for these egs.

Thoughts on prophetic art

Have you tried doing sketches during a preach, of key points, or prophetic images that you see?  You can use these later to enlarge as paintings, or add as illustrations to the person's ministry.  Like a prophetic word, just draw what you see, without reading too much into it; let the image do the talking, let it carry the message.  A recent example was of a word a man received that was illustrated for him.  It put into image form what was spoken over him.  So he received the spoken declaration, and an image to remind him of the word he received.  Keep your sketchbooks on the ready, have some sharp pencils on hand and sketch away.  Keep your work with you - you never know when God will want you to share it or give them away.  Remember, some once said, "prophetic art speaks 24/7".

Andrew de la Hunt-James

Saturday, 27 August 2011

"Seeds & Tears"

"Seeds & Tears", by Drew de la Hunt-James

I drew this during our time in Cape Town at a prophetic conference. God has been speaking about sowing seeds in this season, of birthing dreams and visions in believers' hearts, that He wants to germinate, come to life and multiply, giving life to others. Like the mustard seed which is very small, there are those who have felt "very small", insignificant, and they have hid their gifting away because they feel intimidated. God is sowing fresh seeds into hearts, seeds that will grow into something significant as it effects others lives, and multiplies to make a greater impact - "all it takes is just one small seed"!

The Word also speaks of not "sowing divers seeds in your vineyard" - in other words, if God has sown a seed in your heart, don't go an find other seeds or influences in the world and try and bring them to germination to! This is like mixing oil and water. God is saying to creative people that they need to receive from Him alone - go and fetch your colour, or your song, or sound, from heaven for yourself. Imitating other people's convictions or revelation doesn't fulfill your own destiny and leaves you lifeless. Go and get your own revelation and seed, sow it and allow God to multiply it. Then you will feel fulfilled and achieve God's purposes.

Lastly, remember, "they that sow in tears shall reap in joy"! this image (is not an onion!!) portrays a seed, but if it was blue, it would also represent a tear. Sowing your seed has for you felt like sowing tears - it's been a tearful walk & journey. Maybe others haven't understood you or your gifting etc etc. Keep your eyes on what really is important - the one who sows seeds into your heart - God. Go into His presence and allow him to sow exciting seeds for you to initiate and bless others with - enjoy!

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Creativity & Worship Workshops, Prophetic Weekend, Father's House Christian Fellowship, Cape Town

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Recent and current Prophetic words for artists

We’ve just had an amazing time with Cape Town artists at the “Kings and Priests” prophetic time at the Father’s House Christian Fellowship.  The prophetic nuances coming through included: 
  • God wants artists across all mediums to collaborate with one another, to encourage and strengthen each other.  There is increasing hopelessness in the world as the striving of worldliness has left people having hope deferred.  Faith has taken a knock and adversity has worn people down.  Many creative people have laid their gifting down in the struggle to just make ends meet, a survivor mentality overshadowing the anointing and kingly authority.  God is saying it’s a time to rise in one’s authority, to turn mountains into blessing; to let adversity mold your character, not oppress you; to find solutions through faith; to become problem solvers in times of hardship. 
  • God is looking for young, anointed, prophetic leaders who will be beacons to the next generation.  They will enable them to push on despite much discouragement in the world around them.  God is saying he will raise them up; He will be a Father to the fatherless.  This generation who are coming after the Generation “Z”, a nameless generation, will experience the father heart of God directly for themselves as God moves supernaturally through their lives.  Fathered by God they will have a strength and boldness to overcome. 
  • God is raising a community of creative people who will not shrink back, who will not be ashamed of the gospel, or of their works declaring and depicting the gospel in the world, through the world and for the world.  He will rise up artists, musicians, photographers etc., who will make a mark and be “trend setters” in the world.  He is setting His mandate for them in place, robing them with a fresh mantle and authority for the task.  Many are in a place of equipping which feels like being in the desert.  Many feel they have been overlooked, pushed aside.  The intimidation of the world has had an effect on them, causing them to pursue other careers, other ventures and initiatives.  But God is saying there are fresh and new horizons to explore, to pick up their tools again.  Out of time spent in God’s presence he will birth new inspiration and plant seeds that will germinate and multiply what was the least, of no consequence. 
  • God is emphasizing again the prophetic nature of art and artists, but requires of them purity and being set apart, untainted by world trends.  He wants to inspire a new sound and colour from heaven, where artists will pick up the pulse of heaven, and portray just what God tells them to, without colouring or flavouring it with what the world thinks is cool.  Out of this will come a unique sound and colour, not necessarily pleasing to the eye as the world would have it, yet unmistakably powerful, anointed, life changing with an eternal impact. 
  • God, through a release of creativity in and through the church, is adorning and beautifying the bride of Christ afresh.  The church walls have been bare for too long.  God is anointing with a spirit of wisdom, knowledge and understanding (Exodus 31) – the Holy Spirit poised to teach and impart.  He is speeding up the process of teaching the language of art so artists can communicate their message with clarity.
These are some current prophetic words that have come through for artists, creative people and the church.  Please forward them to those who you know will need a word of encouragement!

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

How powerful our thoughts

[Psa 10:4]] KJV* The wicked, through the pride of his countenance, will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts.

- Definition of thoughts.

1. purpose, discretion, device, plot

a. purpose

b. discretion

c. devices (evil)

- Origin: from [[d 2161]]

- TWOT entry: 556c

- Part(s) of speech: Noun Feminine

- Strong's: From [[d 2161]]; a _plan_ usually evil (_machination_) sometimes good (_sagacity_): - (wicked) device discretion intent witty invention lewdness mischievous (device) thought wickedly.

Is God in all your thoughts, purposes, strategies?  When He is not the centre of everything we do, then we will not seek after God.  Then who do we represent?

The Oasis Church Worship team mixed medium collage

This collage represents the artwork of the worship team from our church. The worship team were given the task of expressing their worship through a variety of different art mediums. Instead of worshipping using instruments like they always do, they used mixed medium to create their worship. This was a time to worship in a different way, and to add diverse layers using paint, crayons, ink, collage.
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Thursday, 11 August 2011

Top 10 Qualities of a Great Artist

I recently came across this bit of info I found a while ago – thanks, whoever wrote it!

Great artists create paintings, photographs, sculptures, and other dazzling decorative pieces. To be a successful artist, one should have:

  • 1. An Awareness of the Audience: A great artist is well-aware of who the audience will be for the piece they are working on. They keep the needs and wants of this particular audience in mind when developing a project.
  • 2. An Eye for Design: A great artist has a keen eye for design and knows what makes for a good work of art.
  • 3. Creativity: A great artist is very creative and always has new ideas for projects.
  • 4. Humility: A great artist has a sense of humility and is open to criticism. They understand that not everyone will have the same feelings about their work.
  • 5. Knowledge of Materials: A great artist is familiar with a variety of materials that can go into a project and knows how to most effectively use them to bolster a piece.
  • 6. Passion: A great artist is passionate about their work and practices their art because they love the work and feel a need to create.
  • 7. Savvy Technical Ability: A great artist is technically savvy and can employ computer applications into their work.
  • 8. Sketching Skills: A great artist has great sketching skills and can use those skills to lay out the basics of an upcoming project, either for their own reference or to show the project to others.
  • 9. Strong Business Sense: A great artist has excellent business skills and can market themselves and their work to the public.
  • 10. Vision: A great artist has a strong sense of vision and can easily picture the desired end result at the outset of a project.





Andrew de la Hunt-James

The Oasis Church


Saturday, 06 August 2011

God creates- why don't we follow His example?

I am siting in a coffee shop in Pietermaritzburg (KwaZulu-Natal South Africa), looking at people walking past, having coffee talking to other people, doing business. Different shapes and sizes, different characters. Some laughing and joking some serious. It is then that the thought came to me, "God must have had so much fun creating all of us".
Let me clear up something. I do not believe in the "big bang" theory and that my forefather was a monkey! I believe that God created the earth as it is stated in Genesis 1 - God created the earth in 6 days and rested on the 7th day.  But as we look at nature and the animals I can not help but think that God must have had fun creating and still is having fun creating (I can't help but wonder if it is not His way to relax as it is for us seeing that we are created in his image.)

With my mind thinking I am reminded of a statement that I heard a prophet make last weak. Everybody is creative and can create something. We all have been brainwashed to believe that art or music needs to sound this way or look that way to be art. But this is untrue. If we allow God to inspire us to draw and all we can draw well is a stick man draw your stick man to the best of your ability. The funny thing is that you will know the meaning behind your piece of art and somebody else could have some other interpretation of it, and it can inspire somebody. I saw some art that this prophet has done. She just applied water colour to paper,  and followed Gods instruction as to how to move it around - wow how beautiful, and there was a story behind every picture.
I took up the challenge this lady left us with, grabbed my camera and took some pictures. The picture that is with this blog is one that I did (would be interesting to hear what God is telling you about this picture, let me know) and it was so much fun to let my mind go and think how I can take different pictures and combine it into one with a message.

I believe for too long we have allowed the unsaved to dictade to us what is art, music. I believe it is time for us as believers to start allowing the creative juices from heaven to flow in us and to start creating art and music inspired from heaven.

This morning I want to put the challenge out there. Sit with God for a hour and ask Him to help you write a poem, song, picture, any piece of creative artwork and put it on your blog for us all to see, and comment on.

Lets take the creative world back from the devil. God creates and so must we!!
I pray that God will bless you with some awesome creations.


Still to come...Editor's testimony

Hi all,

Long time no blog!

Things have been a bit busy...been travelling etc etc. Felt I needed to write a bit of my testimony and background as we are a relational community. Please feel free to send in yours. And also, don't forget to "follow" to be part of this community, and to stay updated.

Keep well and thanks!

Andrew de la Hunt-James

You have a beautiful inheritance!

Psalm 16-The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places; yea, I have a beautiful inheritance.

Just enjoy that for a moment! You have a beautiful inheritance! Despite anything else, you have a beautiful inheritance. Remind yourself, speak it over yourself, tell yourself (and others around you) that you have a beautiful inheritance. When this has sunk in, you will find you begin to exhibit this in the fruit you bear. The essence of that beautiful inheritance is your love-relationship with Jesus. It's the foundational and motivational drive behind what you do and why you do it. You've been adopted into a family, and now play a mjor role in that family, being released to shine your glory in your own unique way. Part of your personal "beautiful inheritance" is the flavour you add to the mix. Your talents and abilities and your anointing are part of a diverse whole. Let them fade, and a shadow is cast somewhere on the whole. Let is shine, and the whole begins to sparkle.

As I've watched an increase in creativity, I see how it is contagious and has a multiplying effect. In a busy world it is easy to either lay down some of our talents. But if we pick them up again as an act of worship and to remain true to ourselves, our inheritance will be beautiful and have it's full effect of glorifying our King, as well as shining a light into the world.

Try it.

Andrew de la Hunt-James
The Oasis Church

Tuesday, 02 August 2011

Heavenly inspiration

Are you hitting a wall when it comes to fresh ideas for your artworks? I recently heard some inspiring words that I believe are helpful for those who are currently trying to break through to new levels or depths in their creativity. I will paraphrase and trust you will share your own experiences and revelation.

I believe we should be aiming at flowing in Holy Spirit anointing, and constantly seeking revelation from the word and always wanting to hear God's voice for the now.

Lesley Lee reckons we should be refreshed in the garden, in the bridal chamber with our God. Then we will see from a heavenly perspective to usher in what God wants for now. Please visit her website at: For a fuller explanation and the fullness of her heart. I believe she has some keys for artists now, and hope they help you break into the next level.

I personally feel that God births new inspiration out of that intimate place with him. I hope you are able to get there.

I pray you are currently pushing through with your creativity - allowing God to help you bring to life what he has for yhou and thbrough you for the church or the world.

Andrew de la Hunt-James
The Oasis Church

Thursday, 21 July 2011

Still to come

Some questions we all have regarding creativity that we'll be exploring include:
"What is the creative process?"
"How do we overcome lack of inspiration?"
"How can I enhance the effectiveness of any piece of art that I do?"
"What role does the Holy Spirit play in my art?"
"How do I know if my work is prophetic or not?"

So watch this space for more....

What's in a painting? - a testimony.

Recently, The Oasis Church, Howick ( held a Prophetic Training Time.  As part of the children's ministry,  the children were taught to paint a prophetic picture for one of the adults attending the conference.  The children obviously didn't know the adult they were painting for.  Below is a testimony from one of the adults who received a painting.

"I am attaching a picture that was drawn of me by one of the children - just to encourage them. When I got home I went through a notebook of all the prophetic words spoken over my life and [found] two that relate to the picture that was drawn. These were given more than five years ago! I hope that this encourages the child to press on!"
My son Kean did the painting, and said: "I never knew that a little picture could do so much".

There have been many testimonies of how prophetic art has touched peoples' lives.  If God gives you a picture, no matter how simple, just be obedient - you never know how it will impact someone's life!   Create for Life!

Saturday, 16 July 2011

Exodus 31 - a reminder...

Exo 31:1  And the LORD spake unto Moses, saying,
Exo 31:2  See, I have called by name Bezaleel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah:
Exo 31:3  And I have filled him with the spirit of God, in wisdom, and in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship,
Exo 31:4  To devise cunning works, to work in gold, and in silver, and in brass,
Exo 31:5  And in cutting of stones, to set them, and in carving of timber, to work in all manner of workmanship.
Exo 31:6  And I, behold, I have given with him Aholiab, the son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan: and in the hearts of all that are wise hearted I have put wisdom, that they may make all that I have commanded thee; 

  • What's God been speaking into your heart recently?   What images has he dropped into your heart?  Have you recorded them somehow?  Have you a plan in place to start work on it?
  • God has called us by name - He knows us and our gifting intimately (and what He wants to achieve through our gifting, despite how we may feel), and He knows that He can do through us more than we can ask or imagine!
  • We have to remind ourselves constantly that "....[He has] filled [us] with the spirit of God, in wisdom, and in understanding, and in knowledge, and in all manner of workmanship,4  To devise cunning works, to work in [...all sorts of exciting media...]"
  • Who has God put alongside you to achieve your vision (and theirs)?  Are you connecting well? Communicating? Building into each others' live?  Remember, God is a God of multiplication.
  • And lastly, remember that God has put, or wants to put, wisdom in your heart that you would create wisely, not as the world would.  But seek out that which is from God and wisely, in collaboration with the Holy Spirit, put together your artworks that will touch a dying world - create for life!

"God On High", by Kean de la Hunt-James (8)

God on High
Which is in the Sky;
So we can worship Him.
We lift Your Name!
He made the stars
and He holds my heart.
This is why I love the Lord on high.

Thursday, 07 July 2011

A New Season

Have you heard this phrase before, "A new season"?  Or a new dawn, a new horizon etc.  Well,  this year (2011) I've heard it mentioned a lot - Song titles, Artworks, Album titles - just Google it and you'll see.  God IS doing something new, we are in a new season.  We are being challenged to think differently, to view the old things in new ways, to"dig new holes" (as someone once said).  If I am a "wineskin" (which is my thinking and everything that makes me, me) then my old wineskin has to be replaced with a new one, to contain the newness that He wants to achieve.

Sounds like a mouthful, but in essence I have to change. That's the challenge, because "How adaptable am I really?".  If we stay humble and teachable before God, He will work out our change and then we can produce the new.

So, are you perhaps stuck in a bit of a creative rut?  Lacking inspiration right now?  Then maybe you need to climb out of that old hole, get up on the surface, turn to face a new direction and look to the new horizon.  Vulnerable - yes - but if you don't want to stagnate, then vital.

Be encouraged, we're all in this together.

 Please share your "new season" here!

What's In A Name?

Ok, so, since the last post, I Googled "Create For Life", cre84life, etc. and there's a whole heap of other people using this phrase.  Not that I thought I was being original or anything.  Rather, it captured the essence of what we try to do.

Firstly, we create, we bring our thoughts and visions to life through art.  Why? to bring that which is vital, alive, motivating, life giving, to the world.  That's what our Creator did.  It's our inherent drive.  I don't have time to find out what's behind the same phrase used countless times over.  But it's what we should be doing.  It's a banner, a vision through the heat of battle when we loose focus because of the mundane.  It's a call to arms - it should stir us to action.

I've seen first hand the discouraged artist inflamed again, where courage takes a grip - you can see it in their eyes, then in the work they do.  And our Creator delights.  It's for Him, after all...

What Inspires You? - some answers.

    • Anita: Nature, people, a lost world, Abba Himself, people willing to learn, music....colours, textures....
      Drew: Sunrises-refreshing; sunsets-hope; storms-God's awesomeness; people-salvation; prophetic worship-future life; autobiographies-what God has done/can do through people; prophetic words-vivid children - hope for a radical Jesus generation!

"I Love You", by Cassia de la Hunt-James (5)

I love you because you made everything that I wanted
I love you because you made everything in the garden
And because you forgave us all of our sins
You protect me and you help me sometimes
Even in the darkness you protect me
The devil tries to hurt me, but I know you are with me
Sometimes I’m afraid and hide under my blankets when I sleep
But you love me and you know how to heal me
You come and fill me with your Holy Spirit every time I’m at church
I love you.

                                        By Cassia de la Hunt-James (5 years old)

Sunday, 03 July 2011

"Eagle - A Prophetic Call", acrylic on canvass.

My inspiration for this work came from the Scriptures which tell of the Prophetic gifting being likened to an eagle.  The eagle is strong and powerful, has excellent vision, is tenacious and can soar at breathtaking heights.  These aspects enable the eagle to fulfill it's purpose and exist as a bird of prey.  Similarly, the prophetic gifting requires keen sight and insight, as Prophets are visionaries.  Inwardly they require a spiritual boldness and Holy Spirit power.  This painting depicts these aspects and was painted during anointed church meetings where the Presence of God was tangible.  I was aware of the Holy Spirit's leading throughout the artwork and was amazed at how quickly I was able to complete the work. I know God was enabling me in choice of colour, composition and brushstrokes.

Further inspiration came from spending much time observing eagles, both close up and from a distance as they soar above.  They command a very real presence in the skies and cannot go unnoticed.  God's word warns us not to despise the prophetic gifting.

"Releasing Worship", pencil crayon on paper, digitally enhanced.

This is an image I drew today during our church service at The Oasis Church, Howick. It's entitled "Let everything that is within me rejoice!" It's about releasing the passion of worship that is within us, represented by the figure's heart that is on fire. The Glory of God wants to touch us (the head reflecting God's Glory). The Stars depict God's delight in our worship. We must stir up the worship that is within us - sometimes we have to dig deep to do this. But it must be done!
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Thursday, 30 June 2011

The mother of invention

I am reminded of the power blackouts and load shedding we faced in South Africa a few years ago. I recall people I knew doing research into alternate sources of energy for powering their homes, now that the comfort of electricity was turned off for a number of hours per day. Amongst my family it was a subject of much debate as to how else we could sustain our energy needs - by changing from electricity to gas, by using solar, wind or battery powered devices as alternate means of creating energy. Overall, they were different, lifestyle altering times. 

We found ourselves enjoying the candle lit dinners, the gas or paraffin lighting providing a unique urban camping ambiance. The children, of course, thought it was cool! But apart from the adventure and a slightly changed lifestyle and cooking methods, I realized that had we not had the experience of a more extreme lifestyle, we probably would never have thought about alternatives, taking our municipal electricity supply for granted. I realize that adversity forces us to look for solutions. Or it should do so. 

Adversity is not nice. I am acutely aware that for the vast majority of the planet's population, such talk is in itself a luxury. Apart from the idea of the world's rich sowing generously into the lives and circumstances of the poor, I don't propose that I have all the answers for those facing physical adversity daily.  But let us hear something of God's heart behind adversity...

In James is says: "Consider it pure joy when you face trials of many kinds - knowing that the trying of your faith works patience".  When we go through testing times, something else is happening to us, apart from the hardship we feel.  God is working patience or perseverance into us - He's molding our character.  We have to let patience have it's work, so that we may be "perfect and entire, lacking nothing"!  It's like a runner - they have to let perseverance develop within them, for as they prepare to race, they aim at being perfect, lacking nothing that would hold them back from doing their best.

As artists, we want excellent results - or so we should (I always maintain that the level of skill and anointing enables a greater impact of the message).  Yet to obtain this level, we must expect our faith to be tested, our patience to be pushed to the limit.  "Adversity if the mother of invention".  If you are struggling in any way, know that something greater is at work, something not actually bad, but something necessary because it is forging a more excellent result.  If you want to represent God's Glory to a dying world, it doesn't come cheap.  However, it is unique, incomparable.  

If you are in any way facing adversity - maybe battling to break through in your creativity - know that as you push through and find a solution, your faith levels will soar, as well as your joy! DO NOT GIVE UP!  Don't own the hardship.  Step back, sleep on it, reassess the situation from another vantage point, and be open to God giving you the solution.  Be bold and act on this.  Follow through with what you have - a new design, a new strategy, a new composition.  Count it all as pure joy!

Be encouraged!

Well, it's been a bit long since the previous post!  Been a bit hectic with other things.  On the creative front....I'm so aware that God has His hand on us and our creativity.  While at a church prayer meeting a few weeks back, God was really emphasizing His plans for us in the area of creativity.  We sometimes forget that He has spoken into this so often.  This shouldn't surprise us as He is The Creator, is a Creative God and watches over what He has created. During the meeting there were words spoken over individual's creativity.  God's promises and plans for what He has in store in the area of creativity were also revealed - encouraging stuff!  Just when you feel you are hitting a wall, God always breaks through - with a word of encouragement or direction.  You feel you can pick up again and launch into a new project.  That's why I enjoy the prophetic gifting so much - it ushers in God's encouragement when you need it the most.  Creative people need courage!  If we are to portray God's heart, His light in an ever-increasingly dark world - we need courage, huge reservoirs of it!  Courage to follow through on what you feel you are hearing from God - courage to launch out into a work which you may only have a glimpse of, not knowing where exactly it will take you.  You need courage to pursue your dream, especially when things get tough.  If you are feeling overwhelmed in pursuing your dream, hang in there, petition God for a word of encouragement.  He IS faithful!

Monday, 20 June 2011

So what's this all about?

A good guy asked recently, "So Drew, what project are you working on?" Many ideas flashed through my mind in that instant, but this blog is an attempt to get at least one more off the ground. "Create For Life" is a blog spot which hopes to encourage creative expression through any medium, really. And to act as a forum to bring together thoughts, ideas and inspiration in the arts, especially amongst those "peculiar people" - the called out ones, whose leader in this current revolution is their Creator.  Creative thoughts come and go, and unless you grab them right away, and hold them down, and make something of them, they may be lost forever, unused, abandoned and unrealized.  Thinking big might only remain in the mind unless we venture forth and express those thoughts.  The current is gaining momentum, so jump in and enjoy the flow as we Create For Life together.

Friday, 17 June 2011

Inspiration & artwork.

Today I attended our church's "soaking session" (see my notes on Facebook, or Soaking at the Oasis Church, also on FB), really trusting God that I would get some inspiration for an artwork soon!!  Well, God is faithful, as two of the prophetic words that came through gave me glimmers of images and feeling, which although embryonic now, I know will grow into something I can build with.  That's the creative process for me - something like a prophetic word will spark an image in my mind, then I know I have to put lots of prayer into it, waiting on God for further clues.  It's great fun, an adventure!  I also search for similar images in the world around me, or try to sketch it, and I start gathering these puzzle pieces to build and create with.  Yes, things do change along the way.  But I believe that if we commit these things to the Holy Spirit all the way through, he leads us toward what He can anoint.  I also try to work in different environments, on the same work, as this enhances different aspects of what I'm trying to achieve.  It may start with a fleeting image, which I try to "grab" somehow, then build around that till I feel I've captured the essence and feel of what God had in mind.

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Prophetic word over creativity in the church: 12 June 2011

I felt that God is taking us into the next season of creativity. Fresh pictures, fresh ideas, drawing from fresh wells of inspiration. There is an adding, a skilling, where deadends are overcome, hurdles are broken through, to release a fresh freedom of expression, where prophetic words and images are easily shared and interpreted. There is an understanding of purity releasing beauty that God is leading creative believers to, priming the canvasses of our minds and hearts, a preparing of the heart - a purifying, so that what flows out is untainted and has a massive impact in the dying world, is life giving, is 'stupor' breaking is enboldening. There is a fresh "rising-up" of the Bride, a fresh call to arms, a strengthening and recommissioning. It's time to listen and to rise, and to do.

Thursday, 09 June 2011

Creative Workshop, Prophetic Training Time, May 2011

Here are some pics from our recent Prophetic Training Time at The Oasis Church, Howick, South Africa ( Having done many of such workshops before, I can see how God is increasing the anointing for the arts in the Church. We had so much fun! and could have gone on all day. What was produced in this time was awesome. Stories continue to come through to us of how God brought a release of fresh creativity and freedom in people's lives. People used pen and ink, collage, creative writing, flower arranging, painting on large sheets of newsprint, & photography to express the weekend's theme of: "Sons of God manifest" - breaking through and then operating as SONS of GOD till Jesus soon return. (Romans 8 v 19: "The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed"). It's all about knowing your true identity in Christ, being set free in this, then operating out of a place of freedom in Christ - the potential and possibilities are endless, as God will do more than we can ask or imagine!
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"God-prepared-in-advance good works"

One of the books I'm currently reading is "Release The Power of Jesus", by Bill Johnson.

For the sake of illustrating a point, I want to include a portion of his writing.

"Through salvation we are also restored to our original purpose - the purpose that flows naturally from our restored identity and relationship with God.  Ephesians 2:10 says, "For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them."  Works cannot save us, but without the fruit of good works in our lives, we lack the evidence that identifies us as new creations in Christ."

Now what I want to pick up on from this, is that once we become part of God's family through salvation, there is an expectation that we begin flowing in the predestined giftings that God brings to life in us.  They may have always been there, but with the Creator's backing now, you begin to create in a whole new way.  Your purpose in creating changes it's bearing; the emphasis changes, the drive behind it is God-inspired.  That's why an eight year old's painting, done spontaneously, without preconceived ideas about what art should be like, has such an impact.  It is achieving it's God-intended goal, either for just one individual, or many.  So the success of that painting is based on it hitting the God-intended mark.

We can so easily hide our giftings, not flow in them because we are too afraid that we would pass some man-made criteria of what is good or not.  I do believe that we should be growing in our giftings all the time, pushing our level of skill.  But in the process, we create for now - it's what God intended.  We have to rise up and dust off our talents so that they can be used for now.  Yes, it is a new season, so the challenge is to catch up.  But we do this not by looking at how we did things in the past and trying to replicate this, but by taking what you know and giving it to God, saying, "Use me for what you want to do now".

You will find His intention coming through, that there are "good works" stored up for you, waiting to flow through you - enjoy!