Thursday, 09 June 2011

Creative Workshop, Prophetic Training Time, May 2011

Here are some pics from our recent Prophetic Training Time at The Oasis Church, Howick, South Africa ( Having done many of such workshops before, I can see how God is increasing the anointing for the arts in the Church. We had so much fun! and could have gone on all day. What was produced in this time was awesome. Stories continue to come through to us of how God brought a release of fresh creativity and freedom in people's lives. People used pen and ink, collage, creative writing, flower arranging, painting on large sheets of newsprint, & photography to express the weekend's theme of: "Sons of God manifest" - breaking through and then operating as SONS of GOD till Jesus soon return. (Romans 8 v 19: "The creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed"). It's all about knowing your true identity in Christ, being set free in this, then operating out of a place of freedom in Christ - the potential and possibilities are endless, as God will do more than we can ask or imagine!
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