Sunday, 12 June 2011

Prophetic word over creativity in the church: 12 June 2011

I felt that God is taking us into the next season of creativity. Fresh pictures, fresh ideas, drawing from fresh wells of inspiration. There is an adding, a skilling, where deadends are overcome, hurdles are broken through, to release a fresh freedom of expression, where prophetic words and images are easily shared and interpreted. There is an understanding of purity releasing beauty that God is leading creative believers to, priming the canvasses of our minds and hearts, a preparing of the heart - a purifying, so that what flows out is untainted and has a massive impact in the dying world, is life giving, is 'stupor' breaking is enboldening. There is a fresh "rising-up" of the Bride, a fresh call to arms, a strengthening and recommissioning. It's time to listen and to rise, and to do.

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