Monday, 20 June 2011

So what's this all about?

A good guy asked recently, "So Drew, what project are you working on?" Many ideas flashed through my mind in that instant, but this blog is an attempt to get at least one more off the ground. "Create For Life" is a blog spot which hopes to encourage creative expression through any medium, really. And to act as a forum to bring together thoughts, ideas and inspiration in the arts, especially amongst those "peculiar people" - the called out ones, whose leader in this current revolution is their Creator.  Creative thoughts come and go, and unless you grab them right away, and hold them down, and make something of them, they may be lost forever, unused, abandoned and unrealized.  Thinking big might only remain in the mind unless we venture forth and express those thoughts.  The current is gaining momentum, so jump in and enjoy the flow as we Create For Life together.

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